Archduke Franz Ferdinand, assassination ->
*Danubia: A Personal History of Habsburg Europe* was a big book. Happily
once we get to 1848, the year of revolutions across Europe, the book became
much m...
The TUT campaign has been key to Donald Trump's retreat from the use of compulsory purchase orders.
The threat of forced evictions was deliberately held over the heads of the Menie families for nearly two years. Donald Trump's track record shows he cannot be trusted to behave reasonably towards his neighbours or act responsibly towards the environment. He has bullied and mislead from the start.
TUT is committed to supporting the rights of the families at Menie and will highlight and seek to stop any further bullying or other wrongs by the Trump Organisation in Scotland.
We need your support. Please spread the word and join this important campaign.
Enter The Bunker here.
Join our membership here.
Yesterday, the latest in the campaign against Trump was launched, and let's hope this goes viral! Brian May has granted permission for a remake of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody, and here it is (oh no it isn't any longer... see below for location....) starring none other than The Donald, The Hair and his Great Doones of Scotland.
Brilliant. Enjoy!
UPDATE March 30th:
Hazel Cameron posted an announcement 16 hours ago
The video has caused such a sensation – over 20,000 views in 3 days – that Youtube have been forced to take it down. We’re fighting this – but meanwhile here it is again on the vimeo site
Donald Trump does Bohemian Rhapsody from Hazel Cameron on Vimeo.
The Daily Mail now has a long article and the words:
though I had it here first :0)
A report in @UrbanRealm with useful links.
Past blogs: