Each social formation, through each of its material activities, exerts its influence upon the civic whole; and each of its ideas and ideals wins also its place and power - Patrick Geddes
Archduke Franz Ferdinand, assassination ->
*Danubia: A Personal History of Habsburg Europe* was a big book. Happily
once we get to 1848, the year of revolutions across Europe, the book became
much m...
Stupid Cities_Part 1
While the technological components of Smart City and what each
technological system can do is impressive, the representation of space and
form of Smart Ci...
Eames House
Here's a record of Charles and Ray Eames' house, recorded by the designers
after 5 years of living there. As befits their jaunty infographic style the
Square the Block
Richard Wilson is one of Britain’s most respected and challenging
contemporary artists. He is internationally celebrated for his
interventions in architect...
Good lord above...
...fossicking around on the computer I came across this. Maybe it's time to
revisit it - though life these days is very different. No sheep, no lime,
and l...
I met Mark for the first time in a pub, in north London, where there was a
panel discussion launching Simon Reynolds's Rip it Up and Start Again. For
a fe...
The Borg seek perfection
[image: How to build the perfect town - the centre page spread from the
Sunday Herald]
The centre page spread from the Sunday Herald
You know, I was hal...
I like the sound of #TBR20 - a reading challenge in which one makes a
pledge to read 20 books you already own before buying any more. I'm
industrious wh...
Greenwood's Factory, Old Basford
*Greenwood's Factory and the River Leen*
The following research by Andy Greenwood is rather interesting. It is about
Greenwood's Factory on Mill Close, O...
Not Forgotton but LOST
At the end of this month The Jeffrey St Arches will finally be reused and
open to the public when Hidden Door host a 9 day multi arts festival .
The Ar...
The Hatchet
The following is a review of 'Experimental Architecture' by Peter Cook,
written by a 'Kit Pedler' and appearing in the April 1971 issue of
Architectural De...
Fat. End of.
So, we've announced our end and, surprisingly, hearteningly and for all
the right reasons, it feels good. Architectural practices don't normally
just stop...
This Blog Is Closed
Due to irreconcilable differences between the editorial staff of Chtodelat
News and the Chto Delat work group, this blog is closed until further
notice. Ar...
Where Thames' smooth waters glide...
I have *@BillEllson* to thank for this; on Twitter he called it
"pretentious guff" and I wouldn't dare argue... ...
Oh dear...
The backlash has begun..
Made Men
Having had a bit of time on my hands I took the recommendation of watching
the American drama ‘Madmen’ It’s based in the late 1950’s, early 1960’s in
an ad...
ditch The Block
OPEN Shoreditch member Jago Action Group is taking up arms against the
gross over development of the Huntingdon Estate, the light industrial
estate borde...
Tumbling into tomorrow
Recently, an image or two on the things tumblr set off some kind of
internal chain reaction, causing the archive to get thoroughly dug over by
a host of si...
Oh god, it's an icon! Just when you thought it was safe to reenter
architecture on the grounds that noone can afford iconic office buildings
any more, the...
Cider press conservation
We had great fun fixing and pressing into service an antique cider press
last weekend.
Next weekend we hope to get up to 100 gallons of cider on the go.....
The Joy of Listing - Revisited
(c) Ruth Sharville, http://www.geograph.org,uk/ , licensed under a
creative commons licence.
My very first post was about the evil machinations of Plymou...
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